From Highest📈 to Lowest 📉

From Highest to Lowest

So on May 16, 2023, we had a reporting about our data flow diagram and events in our program Enrollment System. Me and James Ayala reported it and it's a very very good reporting, our classmates were impressed🤩 of our reporting and clapping their hands👏.

We answer the questions of our classmates about the system along with Sir John Roy Galvez our grade 11 teacher in Java programming. We answer their questions in ease. Our grade is the highest of them all 44/50. Everyone clapped👏👏. Until Sir Galvez said WAIT. Everyone stop. Sir said MINUS 7 because our groupmates didn't ask a question on the reporting group before us. That why from the highest 44 our group became the lowest 37 because of the minus 7😠.