
Chess Journey

So this is my journey to try to achieve 1000 elo in rapid chess (10 minutes game) so that I'll only 1000 more elo for becoming a Candidate Master in the game of chess. It started to play chess in on December 2022. I start at the elo of 400. It's the elo for beginners. I know that it will be easy to go to 800 because I plays so many chess puzzles. I manage to have an elo of 800  after 92 games played. But achieving 900 is not an easy job.  My opponent in this level was so hard. Because even though I know quite openings and gambits it's not enough to achieve 900. My game history goes green, red, green and red. I got stuck on 850-880 elo. Its game a hundred and four. When I play chess, I always lose, I tired and my brain is being empty sometimes, and most of moves were always blunders and inaccuracy. It's the worse move in the game it leads to losing. So, I decided to take a break. I need to rest my brain. I need to make projects, computer program and so many mor

Family Reunion?

On the day of December 3, 2022, a reunion happens in the side of my mother. There were so many people that attended the celebration but only two them I know 😆. It was only half a day celebration. So I didn't have a chance to know others. But my family and I enjoyed it because we go swimming🏊‍♂ and have a lot of fun. 

Enrollment System

As a programming student its normal for us to have a project that we need to make a simple program. Like Ordering system or Atm system. But we are different our project were building a game but most of all a fully functional enrollment system. It must have a database and it need to send a verification through email. Do you know that this lesson is for grade 12. We are only grade 11.   Sir Galvez give us our groups. My group is Group 5, Ayala is one of my groupmate. But its better to say that its a pair project because only Me and Ayala works to finish the project. Eventhougth only two of us work to finish the project we manage to make it teh only thing left to do is to make it much more appealing. 

Chess Puzzles

  Chess is a game where the difficulty of the game only depends on how your good at it and I'm bad at it.    So I downloaded an app where I can solve chess puzzles so that I can visualize what will happen on the next few  moves.  When I started answering the puzzles, I notice that the puzzle difficulty was categorized be number. So, I search at google I figured out that this number is called Elo. Elo is the level of mastery in chess. Beginners have an elo of 400 and below, Candidate master's were 2000+ and Grandmasters have an elo 2500+. I manage to have 1805 ratings in puzzle from 800. So I think that finally I'm being good at visualizing the positions but the difficult puzzle only starts when you have the rating of 1700. I struggle in these difficult puzzles, but I realize that I can visualize more than 5 moves and for me that's a lot because it hard to process so many predictions and you have to predict again if your opponent didn't do the move that you predicted

From Highest📈 to Lowest 📉

From Highest to Lowest So on May 16, 2023, we had a reporting about our data flow diagram and events in our program Enrollment System. Me and James Ayala reported it and it's a very very good reporting, our classmates were impressed🤩 of our reporting and clapping their hands👏. We answer the questions of our classmates about the system along with Sir John Roy Galvez our grade 11 teacher in Java programming. We answer their questions in ease. Our grade is the highest of them all 44/50. Everyone clapped👏👏. Until Sir Galvez said WAIT. Everyone stop. Sir said MINUS 7 because our groupmates didn't ask a question on the reporting group before us. That why from the highest 44 our group became the lowest 37 because of the minus 7😠.